I recall for Carlyle's birthday last year (2022) there were a number of online streams, including a lot from Academic Agent, so they seem to be pretty aware of their debt to Carlyle. That being said, I think there is more to Yarvin's "the cathedral" than Carlyle's cash-nexus. I will grant that Yarvin is an annoying writer who over-uses irony and tries too hard to be clever, but we do need some term to identify the quasi-religious role that the contemporary ideology of the professional managerial class plays in today's world. As we have seen with the loss of value of Disney, organs of the cathedral are quite happy to spurn profit, putting them at odds with the cash nexus and what Carlyle called "the aristocracy of the moneybag," if there is an opportunity to push an ideological message. If it were just about money, things like this simply would not happen. But they do happen, and with increasing frequency, which to me implies that the cathedral is increasingly diverging from the cash nexus. Perhaps there was a time in the past when the two were identical, but that time has passed.